Dr. K. HELEN PRABHA, B.E, M.E, Ph.D is the Professor and Head of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at R.M.D Engineering College since January 2009. She has completed her B.E degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering from GCT, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore in 1989, M.E degree in Applied Electronics from CIT, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore in 1994. She has completed Ph.D degree in Bio medical signal processing from Anna University, Chennai in the year 2009. She has 24 years of teaching experience and 15 years of research experience. She has organised and conducted many workshops, seminars and conferences. She has published 18 research papers in International / National Journals and 42 International / National conferences. She has written the book Digital Electronics published by Magnus Publication, Principles of Digital Signal Processing and Control System Engineering published by Anuradha Publications. She is a recognized research supervisor of Anna University and St Peters’s University, Chennai. Eight candidates have completed PhD under her supervision. She is currently guiding 8 PhD scholars and more than 60 students in their B.E & M.E. projects. She is a reviewer of National and International level conferences. She has received MODROB of Rs.10 Lakhs from AICTE in the year 2010 and Rs.8 Lakhs from AICTE in the year 2013-14, Rs.1 Lakh from IEDC on the project title “Aqua Catherisis Using GSM Technology” in the year 2013-14 and Rs.1 Lakh from IEDC on the project title “Smart Grid Robot” in the year 2014-15. She is a fellow member in IETE, IEI and Life member of ISTE, SDIWC, CSTA and SCIEI.
Dr. K. HELEN PRABHA, B.E., M.E., Ph.D., Professor & Head, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, R.M.D.Engineering College, R.S.M. Nagar, Kavaraipettai, Gummidipoondi Taluk, Tiruvallur (Dist) Chennai - 601 206,Tamil Nadu, India. Phone: 044-67919191. (Direct: 044-67919141, 67919140) Mail:helenprabha@yahoo.com, hodece@rmd.ac.in