Shri. R.M.Kishore is a Mechanical Engineer from the University of Madras and acquired his Master’s degree in Business Administration from University of Huddersfield, UK. He is a young member of the team, who has been managing the R.M.K. group of Educational Institutions.

He was elected as Syndicate Member in Anna University; Chairman of Education and Skill Expert Committee; The Madras Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) (April-2017 to March 2022); Member of Global Engineering Deans Council, Washington DC; and Executive Council Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), New Delhi.

He is equipped with rich experience in Education Management and Industry Management. Establishment and development of infrastructure for all the group institutions is his credit. Our Vice Chairman is carrying out many extension and community services.

He, with the Management team, works towards the vision to transform learners into achievers at the global level with the right attitude towards changing societal needs.

With zeal and sustained participation of the Management and the guidance provided by the learned professors, the college has achieved great heights in the field of technical education.