Dating back to the early 21st century, B.E Computer Science and Engineering programme has a long history of excellence. It is designed to be a creative driving force at R.M.D Engineering college and worldwide, of highest scholarly and entrepreneurial quality.
Our mission is to inspire, educate, and produce computer engineers capable of tackling fundamental scientific problems and important societal challenges - and to do so with the highest commitment to quality, integrity, and respect for others.
Our students are rigorously trained in fundamentals of engineering, with a strong bent towards the maker culture of learning and doing.
The department also focuses on giving hands-on industrial experience to the students by organizing various Center Of Excellence (COE), where the students get trained by the professionals from various firms right from third semster up until they get recruited by those firms. The various COEs available are Big Data, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing and Digital Enterprise.
Our intensive and hands-on coursework gives students a holistic view of the field, an understanding of how to solve problems, and a focus on modeling and abstraction that prepares them for success in a wide range of industries.
Our faculty members are committed to guide students to develop their potential and achieve their goals while receiving a broad, value-based, liberal arts education. Effective communication, leadership and teamwork, problem solving, critical thinking, and reasoning skills, appreciation of cultural diversity and ethical behavior resonate throughout the program and specific objectives are built into the curriculum to help prepare the student for a successful career.
Avenues for our department enhances the students' technical skill sets and as well as leadership skills. Our Computer Science program emphasizes a collegial relationship between faculty and students where faculty guide students develop both skills and concepts that are fundamental to the discipline today and in the future. An engaging curriculum where real world applications and projects are integrated into the students’ course, prepares the student for the dynamic pace of the technological world. Undergraduate research and working internships are additional benefits.
Our faculty members are committed to help students develop their potential and achieve their goals while receiving a broad, value-based, liberal arts education. Effective communication, leadership and teamwork, problem solving, critical thinking, and reasoning skills, appreciation of cultural diversity and ethical behavior resonate throughout the program and specific objectives are built into the curriculum to help prepare the student for a successful career.
This is a dynamic and exciting field to be a part of and the CSE Department offers the very best programs for students at all levels. We hope you will get "infected" by the same level of enthusiasm and joy we all feel!