Sridhar S (2020-2024) Batch has been recognized as the "Overall Best Outgoing Student Award" and received a 10-gram gold coin on college day on May 2, 2024.

Akkuru Kundan Srinivas(2020-2024) Batch has been recognized as the "Best Hosteler Student award" and received a 10-gram gold coin on college day on May 2, 2024.

B.Praveen (2020-2024) Batch has been recognized as "Best Lateral entry Student award " and received a 10-gram gold coin on college day on May 2, 2024.

K. Lekha Sri of III year CSE(2025 Batch),achieved *BEST ACADEMIC HACKATHON WINNER AWARD TN (2022-23)* in recognition of her outstanding performance in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Programme (IEDP -2022-23) conducted by EDII, TamilNadu.In this regard, she received a cheque of *Rs. 1,00,000/- from the hands of Honorable MSME Minister Thiru.Anbarasan.*

Sasikiran.S of III year CSE(2025 Batch),recounted his winning experience with Smart India Hackton.it was broadcast on YouTube,"https://youtu.be/oDuywoRQtDE?si=gh09k0Lr6UR8T0og" dated 12.10.2023.

Our students have watched the ISRO Scientists Felicitation to the students in the programme “ஒளிரும் தமிழ்நாடு, மிளிரும் தமிழர்கள் - YouTube Live Streaming” on 09.10.2023.

R. Salini of III Year CSE(2025 Batch) has represented Tiruvallur District Team in the 21st Senior State Throwball Womens Championship organized by Tamilnadu Throwball Association and won the GOLD Medal in the State meet held at Coimbatore from 28.09.2023 to 01.10.2023.

Mr. Kishan R and Mr. Sridhar S have won the First Prize worth Rs.2,25000/- in HustleX Hackathon organized by IIM Lucknow on 04.09.2023.

Kishan R (2020-2024 Batch)has been recognized as NPTEL Motivated Learner, Jan-April 2023.

K. Lekha Sri (2021-25 Batch) has been selected for receiving Rs. 1,00,000/- cash award by TNSI EDII in view of State Level Entrepreneurship Innovation Challenge 0n 27.05.2023.

Vethanathan. V.K (2019-23 Batch) has received the ISTE BEST STUDENT AWARD for the year 2022 on 29.04.2023 for his overall performance in the academics, extra curricular activities and involvement in ISTE Chapter Activities.

Sridhar.S (2020-2024 Batch) has won SECOND Place and Rs.1000/- Cash Prize in the ML Mania event held at MNM Jain Engineering College on 07.03.2023.

Sridhar.S (2020-2024 Batch) has won SECOND Place and Rs.1000/- Cash Prize in the Project Showcase Competition held at MNM Jain Engineering College on 07.03.2023.

Sridhar.S (2020-2024 Batch) has FIRST Prize and Rs.1500/- Cash Reward in the CODIGO (Debugging) Event held at Velammal Institute of Technology on 10.03.2023.

Shreenath.V and Sridhar.S (2020-24 Batch)has won the SECOND Prize in the Paper Presentation Event organized in Velammal Institute of Technology on 10.03.2023.

Divya.S, Dhivyasree and Haranitha.S (2020-24 Batch) has presented a paper titled "SMART SIGNAGE SYSTEM" and won the second place in the International Conference on Innovation in Computing and Technology, held at Velammal institute of technology on 31.03.2023.

Dharaneeshwar P, Anandha Murthy B and Arun B of 2018-2022 Batch for receiving ISTE – NIT Kozhikode National Award for the Best B.Tech. Project in Computer Science & Engineering on 04.03.2023 at Priyadarshini Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur for their Project Titled "Share Eats – A Food Redistribution Platform based on a Zone Algorithm".

Kishan R(2020-2024 Batch) for being recognized as NPTEL Discipline Star, July-December 2022.

III year Students (2020-2024 Batch) Vemuri Venu Vittal, Venkata Rakesh Chunduri, Mandyam Charitha, Priyadharshini A has won the SECOND prize in Cyber Hackathon’ 2022 held at Sri Krishna Arts and Science College, Coimbatore on 25.11.2022.

Tagore E (2020-2024 batch) for having won THIRD prize in DEBUG THE CODE event conducted as a part of Amrita CyberNation 2022 held at Amrita School of Computing, Chennai on 29.10.2022.

Sridhar S and Santhosh of 2020-2024 batch for having won the SECOND prize in PICK THE LOT event conducted by IGNIS ZID 2K22 @ Meenakshi College of Engineering on 28.10.2022 & 29.10.2022.

Sridhar S, Santhosh Y and Vijaysarathy M of 2020-2024 batch for having won the FIRST prize in CODE WORM event conducted by IGNIS ZID 2K22 @ Meenakshi College of Engineering on 28.10.2022 & 29.10.2022.

Vemuri Venu Vittal and Tanguturu Venkata Sukesh (2020-2024 batch) has won FIRST Place in the event CODEPLAY organized in the National Level Technical Symposium KRATOS 2022 by Easwari Engineering College, Chennai on 15.10.2022.

Sakamuri Anila Chowdary, Sangana Swarna, Sharath Lingam and Seemantula Nischal (2020-2024 batch) has won SECOND Place in the Hack-a-thon on "Applications of AI & ML in Environmental Sustainability", in partnership with OpenWeaver and VIT Chennai on 11.09.2022

Sridhar S, Santhosh Y, Prasad D(2020-2024 batch) has won FIRST Prize in two events CODEX and X-BYTEZ conducted by JETSIGNUM 2K22, St. Joseph's College of Engineering on 08.10.2022.

Sasikaran S, Naveen Balaji V, Peer Shafik Ahamed, Sanjana G, Nivetha E, Thiyaneshwar T P(2021-2025) students team have won with Rs. 1,00,000/- in Smart India Hackathon, 2022 for providing solution to the problem statement titled “Device an application to monitor Humans health issues due to increased usage of pesticides in agriculture and unethical means adopted by food processing industries" given by DRDO Held at ACS college of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka on 25.08.2022 and 26.08.2022.

Prasad D, Santhosh Y, Sridhar S(2020-2025) batch students has secured a First Place in the event XBytez of JETSIGNUM’22 A National level Technical symposium held at St. Joseph College of Engineering, Chennai on 8.10.2022.

Vijayasarathy M, Prasad D, Santhosh Y (2020-2025) batch students has won first place in the event "Code Worm"IGNIS ZID 3K22 A National level Technical symposium held at Meenakshi College of Engg.Chennai.on 28.10.22 & 29.10.22.

Seemantula Nischal, Sakamuri Anila Chowdary, Sharath Lingam S(2020-2024) batch Students has successfully participated in the event and won the second place in HACK-A-THON on Applicaions on AI &ML in Envoirnment Sustainablilty in partnership with OpenWeaver & VIT chennai.

Priyanka.S of 2019-2023 batch has won Rs. 50,000/- Scholarship from VIRTUSA as a recognition for academic achievement and overall performance on the occasion of Women's day 2022.

Poonguzhali M C, Reshma P, Sai Deepika Thatha, Sakkuru Lasya (2019-2023 Batch) has won First Prize in Binance Ideathon – ‘Blockchain for Good’ on 7th August 2022, hosted by i4C and Binance.

Mahalakshmi and Manwin Youds Singh of 2019-2023 Batch have won FIRST PRIZE in at "IDEATHON 2.0" conducted by Team SRM Hackathon, SRM Institute of Science and Technology on 22nd and 23rd January, 2022.

Mukesh Raj and Manikanta Sai of 2018-2022 batch has received Gold in Wipro NASSCOM Joint Certificate on the TalentNext-FutureSkills course.

Anandha Murthy and Dharaneeshwar of 2018-2022 batch has won in "Covid-19 National Bio Informatics Online hackathon" for Full Stackers held from 29-Apr-2020 to 03-Aug-2020 for three months.

Lakshmi Bhavana Talapaneni has won the HackwithInfy contest for the year 2021-2022 conducted by Infosys and got placed as Digital Specialist Engineer .

Rahul A S has won the HackwithInfy contest for the year 2021-2022 conducted by Infosys and got placed as Digital Specialist Engineer.

Kavin G has won the National Qualifier Tes contest for the year 2021-2022conducted by TCS and got placed as Assistant System Engineer .

Keerthi Priya R has won the National Qualifier Tes contest for the year 2021-2022conducted by TCS and got placed as Assistant System Engineer .

Anandha Murthy B has won the InfyTQ contest for the year 2021-2022conducted by Infosys and got placed as System Engineer.

Dharaneeshwar P has won the InfyTQ contest for the year 2021-2022 conducted by Infosys and got placed as System Engineer.

Anandha Murthy B,Dharaneeshwar P, Santhosh Kumar S Lokesh S(2017-2021)batch students has got Citation as STATE LEVEL full stacker at “Intermediate level” for being among the top 50 team in the contest COVID -19 National Bioinformatics Online Hackathon for FULL STACKERS conduted by anna university for the year 2021-2022.

Venkata Yadipalli Rajkumar has won the code Vita contest for the year 2020-2021 conducted Tata Consultancy Services.

Pavithra D has won the Hackwithinfy contest for the year 2019-2020 conducted by Infosys and got placed as System Engineer Specialist.

Siva Sai Kumar Mogalluru has won the Ninja contest for the year 2019-2020 conducted by Tata Consultancy Services and got placed as Assistant System Engineer.

Konda Sudeep has won the Hackwithinfy contest for the year 2018-2019 conducted by Infosys and got placed as Systems Engineer.

Adharsh Sandeep R has won the Hackwithinfy contest for the year 2018-2019 conducted by Infosys and got placed as Systems Engineer.

Sai Manoj Y has won the Code Vita contest for the year 2018-2019 conducted by TCS and got placed as Assistant System Engineer.

Kundhan Narayanam has won the Code Vita contest for the year 2017-2018 conducted by TCS and got placed as Assistant System Engineer.

Madhuvanthi, Hemanathan, Suthandira Sm, Jeevitha M, Akash N, Chetan A students has won SECOND PRIZE in Smart india Hackton(SIH) for the year (2017-2018).

P.SHALINI(2016-20) is the world record holder in the world's biggest international hands- on gaming and security workshop at Wikitechy and Microsoft Research Company.

C.Lakshmi(2012-2016) has received ISTE chapter branch “BEST STUDENT AWARD”for the year 2016.

Mr HariHaran.T.(2011-2015) received Highest committed Student Branch Activist Award for the year 2013-2014 by CSI Chennai Chapter.

Mr HariHaran.D.(2011-2015)Mr.D.Hariharan (2011-2015) has won cash award of Rs.50000 in Robot Champion League conducted at ICF Ground, Anna Nagar as a Runner-up of Southern Zonal League during 9-10th August, 2013.

Mr Bharath Vishal.G, Mr. Aravind.V,Mr.Adhithya Ram .M.(2011-2015) batch students received Best Project Award From Tata Consultancy Services Project Title:” Virtual Jewellery Projection Using OPENCV And Data Mining” guided by Dr. P.Ezhumalai Prof & HOD of CSE.

Mr Bharath Vishal.G, Mr. Aravind.V,Mr.Adithya Ram .M.(2011-2015) batch students received Best Alumni Project Award, Project Title:” Virtual Jewellery Projection Using OPENCV And Data Mining” guided by Dr. P.Ezhumalai Prof & HOD of CSE.

Our passed out final year M.E. student R.PREETHI have won the TCS Best Project Award for her project “ REFINING AND ANALYSIS OF MEDICAL DATA USING DATA MINING TECHNIQUES”. batch students received guided by Dr. P.Ezhumalai Prof & HOD of CSE.

Our passed out final year B.E.students CHARLES. P , DILEEPAN. S and KARTHICK. C has won the TCS Best Project Award for their project “AUTONOM INTEGRA SYSTEM FOR MESSAGING SERVICE”.

Dinesh Kumar.B,Karthik.V, Gottipati Harichandan, HariBabu.P(2009-2013 batch) has won the TCS Best Project Award for their project “Left Brain and Right Brain Activation”.

Mrs. D.Vishnu Sakthi, Mrs.K.Balasaranya, Mrs. L.Sherin Beevi has been recognized as NPTEL Discipline stars for Jan-April 2023

Mrs. Roslin Dayana and Mr. Shankar has been recognized as NPTEL Discipline stars for Jan-April 2022

Dr. P.Shobha Rani has been awarded as Best SPOC by Binance Ideathon - 'Blockchain for Good' on 7th August 2022, hosteed by i4C and Binance.

Dr.C.S.Anita and Mrs.K.Balasaranya has successfully completed Google Cloud Career Readiness Program - "Architecting with Google Compute Engine" Specialization on 27.09.2021

Dr. D. Rajalakshmi successfully completion of AWS Academy Machine Learning and Cloud Foundations Course. (issued on 24.01.2022).

Dr. S. Muthusundari received Innovative Researcher & Dedicated Excellent Educationalist Award in Computer Science Engineering & Information Technology by The Society of Innovative Educationalist & Scientific Research Professional.(received on 21st of February 2021).

Mr. D. Jayakumar successfully completed Wipro Talentnext - Digital Skills Readiness Program and certified as Advanced Technology Certified Faculty during January – April 2021.

Dr. G. Amudha received Wipro Certified Faculty (WCF) certificate from Wipro Talentnext during June 2020.

Mr. D.Jayakumar received DIGITAL TEACHER badge from ICT Academy during July 2020.

Mrs. J. Geetha Priya received Wipro Certified Faculty (WCF) certificate from Wipro Talentnext during June 2020.

Dr. P.Ezhumalai received Distinguished Academic Professional ICON AWARD.(received on 16th of November 2019)

M.Rajkumar received Distinguished Student Branch councellor Award by CSI Chennai Chapter.(received for the year 0f 2018-2019)

Mr. M.Vedaraj received Gold award at Inspire Faculty Excellence Awards 2019 by Infosys.

Mrs.K.BalaSaranya received Gold award at Inspire Faculty Excellence Awards 2019 by Infosys.

Dr. P.Ezhumalai received Distinguished National Citizenship Gold Medal by Global Economic Progress and Research, New Delhi.(received on of 2018)

M.Rajkumar received Longest Continuous Student Branch councellor Award by CSI Chennai Chapter.(received for the year 0f 2017-2018)

Dr.C.S.Anita received Bronze Award at Inspire Faculty Awards 2018 by Infosys

Mrs.B.V.Varshini received Bronze Award at Inspire Faculty Awards 2018 by Infosys

Mr.M.RajKumar received A+ grade Award at the year of 2018 by Infosys

M.Rajkumar received Longest Continuous Student Branch councellor Award by CSI Chennai Chapter.(received for the year 0f 2016-2017)

M.Rajkumar received Longest Continuous Student Branch councellor Award by CSI Chennai Chapter.(received for the year 0f 2013-2014)

Mrs.G.Amudha received Distinguished Facilitator Award for the year 2016-2017 by Infosys

Mrs.M.A.Berlin received Distinguished Facilitator Award for the year 2016-2017 by Infosys

Mrs.C.S.Anita received
Bronze Faculty Award at Inspire-The Campus Connect Faculty Partnership Model for the year 2016-2017 by Infosys

Mrs.C.S.Anita received
Bronze Faculty Award at Inspire-The Campus Connect Faculty Partnership Model for the year 2014-2015 by Infosys

Mr. M.RajKumar received
Bronze Faculty Award at Inspire-The Campus Connect Faculty Partnership Model for the year 2014-2015 by Infosys

Mrs. M.Shymala Devi received
Bronze Faculty Award at Inspire-The Campus Connect Faculty Partnership Model for the year 2014-2015 by Infosys

Computer & IT Enginering and Allied institute received Cyient award for best industry linked technical institute from AICTE CII survey 2020

The department of CSE has received "Largest Student Branch award" from CSI chennai chapter for the year 2013-2014

The department of CSE has won the "Best Student Branch award" for the year 2011-2012

The department of CSE has won the "Best Student Branch award" for the year 2010-2011

The department of CSE has won the "Best Student Branch award" for the year 2009-2010

The department of CSE has received "Best accredited student branch award" from CSI chennai chapter for the year 2017-18.

The department of CSE has received "Largest Student Branch award" from CSI chennai chapter for the year 2013-2014

The department of CSE has won the "Best Student Branch award" for the year 2011-2012

The department of CSE has won the "Best Student Branch award" for the year 2010-2011

The department of CSE has won the "Best Student Branch award" for the year 2009-2010

CSE department received Rs. One Lakh from IEDC for software project development in 2014-15.

CSE department received sponsorship of Rs.6,50,000 from RPS on VCIT funded by AICTE for the year 2012-15.

CSE department received Rs.16,42,000 for the development of MODROBS lab from AICTE for the year 2013-14.

Our Department received sponsorship from RPS (Research Promotion Scheme)on VCIT(Virtual Center for Innovation Technology) funded by AICTE for the year 2012 – sanctioned amount Rs.6.9Lakhs. The Duration of the project is 2 years. Project has been successfully completed.

Our Department received sponsorship from AICTE to set up a modernization Lab on MODROBS (soft computing laboratory).The amount sanctioned is 16.24 lakhs.