The Central Library has covers an area of 15392 sq.ft. It contains 61862 volumes of books and 14831 titles. The Library subscribes to 36 national Journals, 6 leading international E-journals and E-books database, 39 Magazines, 16 News Papers, 1828 back volumes of journals and 5528 CD ROMs. Books are classified and arranged according to the Universal Decimal classification scheme. The value of books, periodicals and other materials in the library is around Rs.2.23 Crore.

Book Circulation Reference Section Periodical Section Reading Hall-I Reading Hall-II Stack Room-I Stack Room-II Digital Library-I Digital Library-II Book fair


The Library Services are automated through the use of standard library software package called “AutoLib - Integrated Library Management Software - Web-based Advanced Edition V22.01”.

AutoLib software is a fully integrated, versatile, user-friendly, cost-effective and multiuser Library automation software.

It is WEB enabled for Intranet and Internet environments, incorporating latest IT/WEB tools and techniques and adheres to many international standards.
