Career Development Centre

Cognizant Student Club Launch

Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. has launched 'Cognizant Student Club' on 18.02.2017 at Cognizant, Siruseri. 25 students nominated from 3rd year CSE and IT department have participated in this programme.

Telecom CoE Lab inauguration by Wipro Technologies Ltd.

Telecom CoE Lab inauguration by Wipro Technologies Ltd. was held on 16.02.2017 at RMK Engineering College. Mr. T. V. Vinod Kumar, Vice President, Mr. M. Balasubramanian, General Manager, Mr. V. Viswanathan, National Campus Manager - Engineering, Wipro Technologies were the Chief Guests and inaugurated the Telecom Lab.

iOS Meeting at IBM, Bangalore

Digital Enterprise - iOS meeting was held at IBM, Bangalore on 25.10.2016. Prof. M.Somasundaram, Dr. Sheerin Banu and Mr. Naresh Sammeta from Digital Enterprise team of RMK Institutions and Dr. K.K. Sivaganan Prabhu, Head - Training & Corporate Affairs, RMK Institutions were in the meeting.

FDP on "Expectations and Future of I.T. Industry" for HoDs by CTS on 22.10.2016

Faculty Development Programme for all the HoDs on "Expectations and Future of I.T Industry" was conducted by Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. on 22.10.2016 at Cognizant office, MEPZ-Tambaram

Special Guest Lecture for Digital Enterprise CoE Students by Infosys Ltd.

A special guest lecture on "Responsive Web Design and Enterprise Mobile Applications" for 3rd year Digital Enterprise CoE students was conducted by Mr.K.S.Muthu, Delivery Manager, Digital Enterprise and Mr. A.Jayachandran, Technology Lead, Responsive Web Design Team, Infosys Ltd. on 14.10.2016 at RMK Engineering College

Meeting on "RMK iOS Lab - IBM Collaborative initiatives"

A meeting on RMK iOS Lab - IBM Collaborative initiatives held on 07.10.2016. Mr. Ajay Bansal, Director, Digital Consulting, IBM Client Innovation Center Global Business Services, India., Dr. Subramani Ramakrishnan Senior Location Executive and Mr. Aravind Rangarajan Mobile Application Architect, IBM Global Business Services were in the meeting.

Factory Automation CoE meeting with Mitsubishi Electric India Pvt. Ltd.

A meeting on Factory Automation CoE with Mitsubishi Electric India was held on 27.09.2016 at RMK Engineering College

Meeting with Wipro Technologies - Product Engineering Division Team (Embedded) on 01.09.2016

A meeting has been organized at Wipro Technologies Ltd., Bangalore with Product Engineering Division (Embedded) team on 01.09.2016. Mr. Ganesan Kailasam and Mr. N R Ramesh from Wipro Product Engineering Division, Dr. K.K. Sivagnana Prabhu, Head – Training & Corporate Affairs and Dr. Geetha Ramadas, Head – Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department from RMK Engineering College were in the meeting.

Signing of MoU with KPIT Technologies Ltd (formerly KPIT Cummins Infosystems Ltd) on 30.08.2016

RMK Group of Institutions has signed MoU with KPIT Technologies Ltd. on 30.08.2016

Special Guest Lecture by Market Simplified India Ltd.

Special Guest Lecture on "Mobile Application Architecture and Development Tools" was arranged for Digital Enterprise CoE - 3rd year students by Market Simplified India Ltd. at RMK Engineering College on 20.08.2016. Mr. K. Thirunavukarasu and Mr. Sriram Parasuram of Market Simplified India Ltd. delivered the special guest lecture.

Signing of MoU with Nittan India Tech Pvt. Ltd.

RMK Group of Institutions has signed MoU with M/s.Nittan India Tech Pvt. Ltd. on 18.08.2016. Mr.Kazuhiro Tasaka, Managing Director, Nittan India Tech Pvt. Ltd. was the Chief Guest.

Best Student Project Award by Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.

Best Student Project Award by Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. was held on 17.08.2016 at RMK Engineering College. Mr. R.Vasudevan, Head - Talent Acquisition, India, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. was the Chief guest and presented the award to Mr. Anandha Vignesh M, Mr. Ashwin S and Mr. Krishna P of Computer Science and Engineering Department for the project on "Artificial Intelligent based Student Information Network".

BMS CoE Meeting at Johnson Controls India Private Limited   , Pune

Building Management systems (BMS) CoE meeting was held at Johnson Controls India, Pune on 04.08.2016. Dr. K.A.Mohamed Junaid, Head, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering / Vice-Principal, RMK Engineering college and Dr. K.K. Sivagnana Prabhu, Head - Training & Corporate Affairs, RMK Engineering College were in the meeting with Johnson Controls India team.

Campus Readiness programme conducted by Infosys Ltd.

Campus Readiness programme was conducted by Infosys Ltd. for final year students on 27.07.2016. Mr. K. Dinesh Kumar and Ms. Angeline Premkumar from HR - Talent Acquisition Team of Infosys Ltd. conducted this programme.

Evolve Workshop conducted by Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.

Evolve Workshop was conducted by Mr. R. Anand - HR - Talent Acquisition and his team for final year students on 26.07.2016.

Vice-Chairman meeting with Alumni at iNautix Office

RMK Group of Institutions Vice-Chairman Shri. R.M.Kishore had a meeting with our Alumni during his visit to iNautix Technologies Pvt. Ltd. on 26.07.2016. Mr.S.Subbu, Vice-President, iNautix Technologies Pvt. Ltd. was also in the meeting.

Leadership session for HoDs and Professors by Wipro Technologies Ltd.

Wipro Technologies has arranged a leadership session for HoDs and Professors of RMK Group of Institutions at Wipro Technologies, Sholinganallur on 23.07.2016

Infosys - GIS Meeting at Infosys,Mysore

A Meeting has been arranged with Infosys - Geo Information System team regarding CoE for Civil Department at Infosys, Mysore on 20.07.2016. Dr. Binu Sukumar - Head, Civil Engineering Department, Dr. K.K. Sivagnana Prabhu, Head - Training and Corporate Affairs and Ms.R.Aishwarya, CoE Coordinator were in the meeting

Signing of MoU with Johnson Controls India Private Limited on 19th July , 2016

Signing of MoU with Johnons Controls India was held on 19th July, 2016.

Inauguration of Building Management Systems Lab by Johnson Controls India

Inauguration of Building Management Systems Lab by Johnson Controls India was held on 19th July, 2016.

Guest lecture on Big Data Analytics by iNautix Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.

A special Guest lecture on "Big Data Analytics in Banking Application" was conducted by Mr. Sivaram Parameswaran, Director, iNautix Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. on 16.07.2016

Infosys Campus connect - Roadshow

Infosys Campus connect Roadshow was conducted for Pre-final year Students by Infosys Ltd. on 15.07.2016 at RMK Engineering College

FDP on Java Programming skills (II Phase) by Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.

Faculty Development Programme on "Java Programming skills " - II Phase conducted by Mr. Jitendra Reddy, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. for EPS faculty members on 11.07.2016

Guest lecture on Mobility and Cloud Computing by Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.

Guest lecture on "Mobility and Cloud Computing" for 3rd year Digital Enterprise CoE students, was conducted by Mr. Ravikumar Maradugula, Associate Director, Global Technology Office, Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. on 02.07.2016 at RMK Engineering College

Inauguration of iOS Lab by Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.

Inauguration of iOS lab by Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. was held on 02.07.2016 at RMK Engineering College. Mr. Ravikumar Maradugula, Associate Director, Global Technology Office, Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. was the Chief Guest and inaugurated the iOS lab.

FDP on "Leading your students to success" by Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.

Faculty Development programme on "Leading your students to sucess" was conducted by Mr. John Edison, Senior Manager - Academy, Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. on 30.06.2016

FDP on "Recent Trends in Telecom" by Wipro Technologies Ltd.

Wipro Technologies conducted Faculty Development Programme on "Recent Trends in Telecom" for the faculty members of Electronics & Communication Engineering Department on 21.06.2016 at R.M.K. Engineering College. Ms. Madhavi Ravanan, Senior Architect, Communications - Telecom Equipment, Wipro Technologies was conducted the FDP.

FDP on "HTML 5 and Agile Technologies" conducted by Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.

Faculty Development Programme on "HTML 5 and Agile Technologies" for the EPS faculty members was conducted by Mr. Deraviyam Jacob and Mr. Ajay Matta from Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. on 20.06.2016 at RMK Engineering College.

Leadership Connect by Wipro Technologies Ltd.

Wipro Technologies organized 'Leadership Connect' on 10.06.2016 at Wipro, Sholinganallur. Mr. R.M.Kishore, Vice-Chairman, RMK Group of Institutions and Dr. K.K. Sivagnana Prabhu, Head - Training & Corporate Affairs, RMK Group of Institutions were in the meeting with Mr. V.Viswananthan, Head - Campus Hiring, Engineering, Wipro Technologies Ltd.

FDP on "Leadership skills" by Infosys Ltd. on 31.05.2016

Infosys Ltd. arranged Faculty Development Programme on "Leadership skills" on 31.05.2016. Mr. George Koshi, Lead - Learning & Development Unit, Infosys Ltd. conducted this FDP for the nominated faculty members from all departments at R.M.K. Engineering College.

3 days Train the Trainer Programme on "Python Programming" by Infosys Ltd.

Infosys - Campus Connect arranged three days Train the Trainer programme on "Python Programming" at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore from 30.05.2016 to 01.06.2016. Ms. A. Thilagavathy / CSE Department and Mr. V. Vijayabhaskar / IT department participated in the programme.

FDP on Effective Coding Skills by Cognizant on 28.05.2016

Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. arranged a Faculty Development Programme on "Effective Coding Skills" for CSE and IT Faculty members at Cognizant, Siruseri on 28.05.2016. Ms. A. Jasmine Gilda and Ms. Banupriya N of CSE and Mr. V. Vijayabhaskar of IT department participated in the FDP.

FDP on Product LifeCycle Management by Wipro Teechnologies

One Day Faculty Development Programme on "Product Life Cycle Management" was conducted by Mr.Sankaranarayanan Sakthivel, Lead Consultant - PLM, Wipro Technologies Ltd. on 27.05.2016 at RMK Engineering College

Signing of MoU with iNautix Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.

RMK Group of Institutions has signed an MoU with M/s. iNautix Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. on 26.05.2016. Mr. Mohan Krishnaswamy, Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer, iNautix Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. was the chief guest. Dr. Vidya Durai, Director, Mr. Subbu, Vice President - HR, Ms. Rekha, Vice President & Head, Corporate Communication, iNautix Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. were also present.

Inauguration of iNautix Big Data Analytics Lab

The inauguration of iNautix BigData Analytics Lab was held on 26.05.2016 at R.M.K Engineering College, by Mr. Mohan Narayanaswamy, Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer, iNautix Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. Dr. Vidya Durai, Director, Mr. Subbu, Vice President - HR, Ms. Rekha, Vice President & Head, Corporate Communication, iNautix Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. were also present.

FDP on "Best Practices in Java" by iNautix Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.

A two day Faculty Development Programme on "Best Practices in Java" was conducted by Mr. Thamarai Selvam S, iNautix Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. on 25.05.2016 & 26.05.2016 at RMK Engineering College.

FDP on "Internet of Things" by Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.

Faculty Development Programme on " Internet of Things" was Conducted by Mr. Biju Shoolapani, Senior Director - Technology, Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. at R.M.K. Engineering College on 05-05-2016

FDP on “Future Technology Trends and Enabling the students” by Cognizant on 29.04.2016

M/s. Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. conducted a Faculty Development Programme on “Future Technology Trends and Enabling the students” for all HoDs of RMK Group of Institutions on 29.04.2016 at Cochin Facility.

FDP on "Digital Enterprise and ILP - Enabling Campus to Corporate Transformation" by TCS

M/s. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. arranged a Faculty Development Programme on "Digital Enterprise and ILP - Enabling Campus to Corporate Transformation" for all HoDs of RMK Group of Institutions at Cochin Facility on 28.04.2016.

"Best Student Award 2016" by M/s. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.

Ms. V. Malvigha of ECE Department, received the "TCS Best Student Award 2016" from Mr. V.Sivakumar, Principal Consultant, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. on 11.04.2016

"Best Faculty Award 2015" by Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. K.L. Shunmuganathan - Professor & Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, received the 'Best Faculty Award 2015" by Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. on 11.04.2016.

Guest Lecture on "Industry Expectations" by Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. on 05.04.2016

R.M.K. Group of Institutions arranged a special Guest Lecture on "Industry Expectations" and Mr. K. Ganesan, Vice President, Human Resources, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. delivered the Guest lecture for 3rd year students of Digital Enterprise CoE on 05.04.2016 at R.M.K. Engineering College.

TCS Campus Ambassador Programme on 02.04.2016

M/s. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. arranged a Campus Ambassador Programme at TCS, Siruseri on 02.04.2016. Nominated students (one student per year) have attended the Campus Ambassador Programme along with Ms.S.Radhika, Asst. Professor, CSE Department at TCS, Siruseri.

R.M.K. Group of Institutions Signing of MoU with Virtusa Polaris, held on 01.04.2016

Signing of MoU with Virtusa Polaris was held on 01.04.2016 at R.M.K. Engineering College. Mr. Prakash Arunachalam, SVP-Global Head - Diversified Practice, Virtusa Polaris was the Chief Guest. He also distributed the offer letters to the Virtusa Placed students. Ms. Hema Mohandas, Sr.Director, Asia Head - L&D, Mr. Balaji T Varadarajan, Director- UX Practice and Mr.Krithivasan S, Lead - India Campus Hiring, VirtusaPolaris were also present.

Inauguration of Virtusa Polaris CoE Lab on 01.04.2016

Inauguration of Virtusa Polaris CoE lab was held on 01.04.2016. Mr. Prakash Arunachalam, SVP - Global Head - Diversified Practice, Virtusa Polaris inaugurated the Lab.

Launch of Expanion Programme held on 23.03.2016 at RMK Engineering college

Launch of Expanion Programme for 30 selected prefinal year students of Digital Enterprise COE. The Expanion is a program by which teams of 2 students each will be assigned to one mentor each team among a group of Senior Executives from various IT companies and they will be mentored and guided over a period of 3 to 4 months as a preparation for placement. Mr. Manikandan Thangarathnam, Director Engineering, Amazon Development Centre India Pvt. Ltd. was the chief guest.

Womens Day conducted by Wipro Technologies Ltd. on 19.03.2016

M/s.Wipro Technologies Ltd. conducted the Womens Day event on 19.03.2016 at Wipro, Sholinganallur. Girl students from CSE and IT department along with the Faculty Ms. Precila Mary R / CSE participated in the event.

Digital Enterprise CoE Presentation held on 12.03.2016

Digital Enterprise - CoE presentation was arranged at R.M.K. Engineering College on 12-03-2016. Mr.A.G.Bharathan, Digital Enterprise- Chennai Delivery Head, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. with his team attended the presentation.

Head Start Programme by M/s.Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. held on 09.03.2016

M/s. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. organized 'Head Start' Programme in the theme of 'Collaborating for new age engagement with students' on 09.03.2016 at their Siruseri facility. TCS invited 55 Heads of the Departments from all over Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry. Dr.K.L. Shunmuganathan, Head - Department of Computer Science and Engineering, R.M.K. Engineering College participated in this programme.

Wipro - ACE programme held at Wipro Technologies Ltd. Coimbatore on 07.03.2016

M/s. Wipro Technologies Ltd. Conducted Wipro-ACE (Accomplishing Collaborative Excellence) programme on 07.03.2016 at Wipro Technologies Ltd., Coimbatore. Dr.K.K. Sivagnana Prabhu, Head - Training & Corporate Affairs, R.M.K. Engineering College Best Student Project Awardparticipated in the programme

Industrial visit to Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. on 05.03.2016

Department of Information Technology - III year students visited Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., Siruseri for Industrial visit on 05.03.2016

Workshop on "iAssurance for Business Sustainability and Transformation" by TCS on 01.03.2016

M/s. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. organised a workshop on "iAssurance for Business sustainability & Transformation" at TCS, Siruseri on 01.03.2016. Corporate Relation Coordinators Ms. Precila Mary R of CSE and Ms. Prathusha Laxmi B of IT department along with Prof.M.Somasundaram of CSE department FDP on "Wearablesattended this workshop and received the certificate from Shri. A.K. Pattabiraman, Head-Accreditation Process for South India, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.

"Best Student Award 2015" by Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.

Ms. N. Sangeetha of IT Department, received the 'Best Student Award 2015' by Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. on 28.02.2016

FDP on "Wearables & New-Age Testing Solutions" by Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.

M/s. Cognizant Technology Solutions conducted a Faculty Development Programme on "Wearables & New-Age Testing Solutions" for CSE and IT Faculties at Cognizant, Siruseri on 27.02.2016. Placement coordinators and Corporate Relation coordinators of CSE and IT Departments attended the programme.

R.M.K.Engineering College Center of Excellence with Virtusa held on 26.02.2016


Softskills training given by RMK faculty members to Nittan India Tech Pvt. Ltd.

One day softskills training programme was conducted for M/s. Nittan India Tech Pvt. Ltd. employees by R.M.K. Engineering College faculty members on 20.02.2016 at R.M.K. Engineering College.

FDP on "Impact of Technology on Industry & Academy" by Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd

M/s. Cognizant Technology Solutions arranged a Faculty Development Programme on "Impact of Technology on Industry & Academy" for all HoDs on 19.02.2016 at RMK Engineering College. Mr. Ramkumar Ramamoorthy, Senior Vice-President - Corporate Communications, Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. conducted this FDP.

Post Offer Connect conducted by Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd on 17.02.2016

M/s. Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. conducted "Post Offer Connect" for Cognizant recruits on 17.02.2016 at R.M.K. Engineering College. Ms. Absala Pream Regin S, HR - Campus Recruitment and Mr. Anand R of HR - Talent Acquisition addressed the students.

Latest Industry Trends - Workshop by ThoughtWorks Technologies on 13.02.2016

M/s.ThoughtWorks Technologies conducted a special event on 'Latest Industry Trends' workshop for Girl students at their Chennai office on 13.02.2016. Our CSE and IT students along with faculty members participated in the event.

"Learning Focus" workshop was conducted by Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. on 09.02.2016

"Learning Focus" workshop was conducted for 3rd year B.E / B.Tech - Digital Enterprise CoE students on 09.02.2016. The workshop was conducted by Dr. K.Kesavasamy, Global Head, Academic Interface Programme, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. and Shri. A.K.Pattabiraman, Head-Accreditation Process for South India, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.

Cognizant CIO Challenge Boot camp held on 8th & 9th February, 2016

Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. conducted the 'Cognizant CiO Challenge Boot Camp" for shortlisted CSE and IT students along with Faculty mentor Mr. R.Jegadeesan / CSE of RMK Engineering College at Cognizant, Chennai on 08th & 9th February, 2016.

Train the Trainer Programme on Python Programming from 21.01.2016 to 23.01.2016

Infosys - Campus Connect conducted three days ‘Train the Trainer’ Programme on Python Programming at Saranathan College of Engineering, Trichy from 21.01.2016 to 23.01.2016. Ms.L. Raji of I.T. Department and Ms.N.Banupriya of CSE Department Digital Enterprise and Big Data Analyticsattended the programme.

MoU and Academic Interface Meeting held at Johnson Controls, Pune on 08.01.2016

MoU and Academic Interface meeting held at Johnson Controls India Pvt. Ltd., Pune on 08.01.2016. Mr. Subrata Bhattacharya, GM & MD - India Engineering, Mr.Nilankur Mazumdar, General Manager - HR with team from Johnson Controls India Pvt. Ltd. and Dr. E.B. Perumal Pillai, Principal, RMKCET, Dr. K.A. Mohamed Junaid, Vice-Principal, RMKEC, Dr. K.K. Sivagnana Prabhu, Head-Training & Corporate Affairs, RMKEC and Dr.A.Chilambu Chelvan, Head, EIE Dept., RMDEC were in the meeting.

Digital Enterprise and Big Data Analytics CoE Meeting at iNautix, Chennai on 05.01.2016

Digital Enterprise and Big Data Analytics COE meetings were held in the iNautix office at Ascendas Phase-II, 7th Floor, Taramani, Chennai on January 5, 2016. Mr.Subbu Subramanian, Vice President, HR, iNautix and Dr. K.K.Sivagnana Prabhu, Head - Training & Corporate Affairs, RMK Engineering College organized various meetings in the iNautix office. Meetings were held with the iNautix officials Mr.Sivaram Parameswaran, Director, Dr.Vidya D, Director and Ms.Mythili Rajavelu, Vice President.

Internship Training Meeting at Virtusa office, Chennai on 05.01.2016

Internship Training meeting was held on January 5, 2016 in the Virtusa office at DLF IT Park, Ramapuram, Chennai to discuss the Internship training for the 2016 batch final year students selected for Virtusa. Mr. S. Krithivasan, Consultant - Campus Recruitments, Virtusa and Dr. K.K.Sivagnana Prabhu, Head - Training & Corporate Affairs, RMK Engineering College organized the meeting in the Virtusa office. Mr. Balaji, Practice Head, User Experience and User Interface (UX/UI) Practice briefed the students.

PLM CoE Meeting at Infosys Ltd., Bangalore

PLM CoE Meeting held at Infosys Ltd., Bangalore on 29.12.2015. Mr. Sridhar Gatpa, Principal - Education, Training & assessment, Infosys Ltd., Mr.Pramodh M.V, Campus Recruitment Team, Infosys Ltd., Dr. K.K.Sivagnana Prabhu, Head - Training & Corporate Affairs, RMK Engineering College, Dr. K.R.Senthil Kumar, Professor & Head, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Mr. R.L.Sankarlal, PLM-CoE Coordinator were in the meeting.

PLM CoE meeting at L&T Technology Services, Bangalore

PLM CoE Meeting held at L&T Technology Services, Bangalore on 28.12.2015. Mr. Rama Kishore Reddy, Sr. Talent Acquisition Manager, L&T Technology Services, Dr.K.K. Sivagnana Prabhu - Head-Training & Corporate Affairs, R.M.K Engineering College and Dr. K.R.Senthil Kumar, Professor & Head, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, R.M.K Engineering College were in the meeting.

Best Student Project Award by Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.

Best Student Project Award for the project "e-cheque using Android" by TCS was held on 10.10.2015. The Chief Guests Mr. K.Balasubramanian, Head-PLM, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. and Mr.A.K.Pattabiraman, Head - Accreditation Process for South India, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. presented the award to CSE Students.

Campus Commune Roadshow by Tata Consultancy Services Ltd on 06th August, 2015

Campus Commune Roadshow was conducted by Tata Consultancy Services Ltd on 06 08 2015

Industry - Ready Programming Skills - Faculty Development Programme by CTS

Faculty Development Programme on Industry - Ready Programming skills, was conducted by Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. for CSE, IT and ECE Faculty members on 25.07.2015 at CTS, Siruseri.

Evolve Workshop by Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.

Evolve Workshop for Final year students by Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.was held on 08.07.2015

"Expectation of the Interviewer" - Faculty Development Programme by Wipro Technologies Ltd.

Faculty Development Programme on "Expectation of the Interviewer - Technical & HR" for HoDs and Professors by Wipro Technologies Ltd., was contected at Wipro, Sholinganallur on 23.06.2015

"Aligning to I.T" - Faculty Development Programme by Infosys Ltd.

Faculty Development Programme on "Aligning to I.T" by Dr.Sundaresan.Krishnan.Iyer, Principal, Education & Research, Infosys Ltd. Mysore was held on 19.06.2015 at RMK Engineering College

Telecom CoE Meet at Wipro Technologies Ltd., Sholinganallur on 02nd June, 2015

Telecom CoE meeting with Wipro Executives at Wipro Technologies Ltd., Sholinganallur was held on 02.06.2015

"Changing Technology Trends and Enabling the Students " FDP at Infosys Ltd., Mysore

Faculty Development Programme on "Changing Technology Trends and Enabling the Students" for HoDs and Professors was held at Infosys Ltd., Mysore on 22.05.2015

Guest Lecture on Building Management Systems (BMS) by Venbatech Pvt. Ltd on 21st January, 2015

Guest Lecture on Building Management Systems by Ms.Bhanumathy, Managing Director, Venbatech Pvt. Ltd. was held on 21.01.2015

Signing of MoU with SolitonTechnologies Pvt. Ltd.

Chief Guest Smt.Mekhala Devaraj, Director, Soliton Technologies Pvt. Ltd signed a MoU on 11.11.2014. .

Best Student Project Award by Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.

Smt.Hema Gopal, Vice President, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. and Shri. A.K.Pattabiraman, Head – Accreditation Process for South India, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd presented the Best Student Project Award on 14.10.2014

Cognizant Express Roadshow conducted by Cognizant Team on 11th August, 2014 at RMK Engineering College.

Cognizant Express Roadshow was conducted by Cognizant Team on 11.08.2014 at RMK Engineering College.

Improving Programming skills workshop by TCS

Workshop on Improving Programming Skills by Smt.Hema Gopal, Vice President , Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. was held on 04.08.2014 at RMK Engineering College.

Improving Programming skills workshop by Wipro Technologies Ltd.

Ms.Suguna Muralidharan, Practice Head , Wipro Technologies Ltd conducted Workshop on Improving programming Skills on 22.07.2014

L&T Infotech Roadshow

L&T Infotech Ltd Roadshow was held on 10.07.2014 at RMK Engineering College, Chief Guest : Shri. Prashant Karandikar, Head of Strategic Resourcing Group ,L&T Infotech Ltd.

Cloud Infrastructure and Services - Faculty Development Programme by ICT Academy and EMC

ICT Academy and EMC conducted a Faculty Development Programme on Cloud Infrastructure and Services from 02.06.2014 to 06.06.2014