Career Development Centre

Goals and Objectivies

The training & Placement Cell is committed to provide all possible assistance to its graduates and post graduates in their efforts to find employment. This commitment is demonstrated by the existence of a full-time Placement Officer in-charge. The benefits of this assistance are reflected in the preparation of RMDEC Students who are able to secure lucrative and esteemed position in recent years.

The training & Placement service operates all year round to facilitate contacts between companies & Graduates. Staff members are available to respond to student’s questions and concerns of all kinds. This may include advice on placement procedures; help to prepare application and resumes and mock Interviews. The aim is to ensure that students have the information and skills necessary for an effective job search

Those considering careers in education or its related fields are offered detailed career guidance at the Training & Placement Cell. All counseling is based on up to-date placement statistics and an envisioned view of future educational and industrial trends. Additionally, the Training & Placement Cell helps the students to improve their communication and presentation Skills.

  • To produce the most competitive technocrats to fit in all scenario

  • To place students in Prospective IT & Core Companies.

  • To give sufficient practical exposures to create action plans and execute the solutions

  • Help the students to develop a passion to win with a global mindset.