WOMEN EMPOWERMENT CELL organizes many Awareness Programmes to make Students be aware of issues related to women and to make the College Campus a Safe place for Women Students and Women Faculty Members. Aiming at intellectual and social upliftment of the female students, the cell stands for facilitating women’s empowerment through Guest Lectures, Seminars, Awareness programs and other Welfare activities.
- To organize awareness programs on gender sensitization
- Arranging seminars on the Economic, Social, Political and Legal Rights of Women
- Celebration of International Women’s Day every year
- Conducting various competitions to encourage their artistic talents for creative thinking
- Counselling services for Women students exclusively
- To highlight the importance of Spirituality, Health, Hygiene, Self Defence and Safety
- To inculcate Entrepreneurial attitude among Young Women students
Office bearers
- Dr. R. PRIYA, Professor of Physics - Coordinator
- Dr. K.S.RADHA, Associate Professor of Chemistry - Member
- Ms. Maria Antony Swapna, Training and Placement Officer - Member