1. Cultural Competitions are conducted to the students either commonly or separately depending the nature of the competition and number of participants.
2. All competitions are conducted during the last two periods every day during the month of February / March every year. The name of the competitions are listed below.
3. Two or three staff coordinators are appointed for each competition by the Overall Cultural Coordinator.
4. Minimum of three judges for every event, each one from different departments are appointed by the individual coordinators with the concern of overall College day Coordinator.
5. For all the competitions, a Common Theme is given by the management. Students are expected to exhibit their talents purely based on the theme.
6. For group events such as Music, Dance, Skit and Adzap competitions, Students are required to register themselves only as a group comprising of maximum of 5 members. The duration given for the performance is only 3-5 minutes.
7. No cine songs are allowed for any of the above competitions.
8. Results of the competitions are announced only through the proper channel, undersigned by the principal and displayed through the notice boards.
9. Three prizes are awarded for each event, purely based on merit.
10. The following are the competitions conducted.

  • English Poetry
  • Tamil Poetry
  • Telugu Poetry
  • Ship wreck
  • Dumb charades (Boys)
  • Dumb charades (Girls)
  • Mimicry
  • Quiz (General)
  • Music Vocal (Boys) Solo
  • Music Vocal(Boys) Group
  • Music Vocal (Girls) Solo
  • Music Vocal (Girls) Group
  • Skit (Boys)
  • Skit (Girls)
  • Music Instrumental
  • Dance (Boys) Solo
  • Dance (Boys) Group
  • Dance (Girls) Solo
  • Dance (Girls) Group
  • Painting
  • Adzap (Boys)
  • Adzap (Girls)