- To create a clean and green consciousness among students through various innovative methods
- To develop, maintain and enhance pupils interest in environment
- To motivate students how to imbibe habits and life style for minimum waste generation
- Encourage the students to use eco-friendly products in their daily life
- Organize environmental preservation and cleanliness drives at regular intervals
- To create environment-based ethics and interests among the future young generation.
- To enhance the students’ abilities, uncover the distinct skills and to bring about a holistic transformation to enable them to imbibe the values to keep our environment clean and green through various innovative methods.
- To encourage the students and general public to reduce pollution, plant more trees and inculcate 3R approach.
- To promote sound environmental behavior in the student’s community.
To work together as a cohesive unit to spread environmental awareness and work towards nurturing a responsible attitude amongst students towards their immediate environment.
“It is our duty to save Environment BEAUTY" "Where there is green there is PROSPERITY"
Activities of Eco club
- To Motivate the students to keep their surroundings green and clean by undertaking plantation of trees
- To Promote ethos of conservation of water by minimizing the use of water
- To Organize tree plantation program in colleges and nearby villages
- TOrganize awareness programmes such as Quiz, essay, painting competitions, rally's, nukkad natak etc. regarding various environmental issues
- To use different media such as Audio, visual, posters, seminar, workshop, Guest Lecture for spreading messages concerning environment
- Street Cleaning, Drain Cleaning, Cleaning of back alleys
Outcomes and Benefits:
- The success of any programme lies in the potential outcomes from participants. Village Hygiene awareness programs made our students gain lot of interests and learnt new techniques like how to do awareness campaigns, self-hygiene, canvasing and motivating others. Our students involved many people even who hesitated to join by highlighting the unhealthy environment which our future generation is going to have. Focused people group were women, children, and older people and made them learn about their problems and also to provide solutions for the same. Students gave feedback saying they have learnt lot of life skills.
- Students are trained to improve their psychomotor skills through a shared commitment towards cleanliness of the villages, schools, street cleaning, tree plantation in the process of preserving and protecting our natural resources and also the importance of physical activity in life rather than spending their time in social media and browsing net.
- The activity of Seed sheet distribution and tree plantation help students learn the important concepts about ecosystems. Mass tree plantation was a collaborative effort to teach life skills. Students learned responsibility by caring for the plants, learned how to communicate and compromise with each other, gained leadership skills, and developed self -confidence. Students were also encouraged to gift their friends’ plant saplings on special occasions instead of spending money for buying cakes and other gifts.
- Water conservation program made a remarkable change in the behavior of students in the campus. Many volunteer students prepared charts and banners with complete enthusiasm and pasted them near the taps, water dispensers, toilets and also in the prominent and necessary places. They started motivating others such gardeners, sweepers and also the fellow classmates not to waste water. The water contest provides an opportunity for youth to become more aware of conservation of our natural resources through artistic design.
- Faster up gradation of electronic products attracts students which leads to e-waste generation. When the students were involved to collect e waste from campus they realized the hazards. They also leant the importance of 3R approach of reduce, reuse and recycle with complete knowledge.
- The awareness webinar on hygiene helped our students to acquire knowledge on basic toilets usage in campus and the importance of hand hygiene to prevent the spread of disease. They were also motivated how to build resilience in the face of disease and disaster.
- The awareness program on single-use plastics made the students realize the importance of protecting marine habitats and water bodies from plastic pollution. It inspires to reduce their own plastic consumption