Department of Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

S.No Name of the Faculty Title of the Paper Name of the Journal ISSN/ISBN/Issue No/Doi Cited in
1 A. Tamizharasi & Remya Rose S Reinforcement learning for rule extraction from labeled dataset AIP Conference Proceedings ISSN:0094-243X/Volume 2519, Issue 1 Scopus
2 C.S Anita & R. Sasi Kumar Learning Automata and Lexical Composition Method for Optimal and Load Balanced RPL Routing in IoT International Journal of Ad hoc and Ubiquitous Computing ISSN print:1743-8225 ISSN online:1743-8233/Vol. 40, No. 4 SCIE
3 C.S Anita & R. Sasi Kumar Neighbor Coverage and Bandwidth Aware Multiple Disjoint Path Discovery in Wireless Mesh Networks Wireless Personal Communications ISSN No. 09296212, 1572834X/Vol.126, pages 2949–2968 SCIE
4 A. Tamizharasi & Remya Rose S Machine learning based fraud detection in credit card data transactions AIP Conference Proceedings ISSN:0094-243X/Volume 2519, Issue 1 Scopus
5 G. Anitha & Badi Alekhya Sewage and Health Monitoring using IoT Telematique ISSN: 1856-4194/Vol.21 Issue 1 page 5761-5765 ESCI
6 Badi Alekhya & R. Sasi Kumar An ensemble approach for healthcare application and diagnosis using natural language processing Cognitive Neurodynamics ISSN : 18714080, 18714099/Vol.16 Issue 5 Pages: 1203 - 1220 SCIE