1. 1. All participants must be aware of the fact that there is only online registration.
  2. 2.Registration closes on 02.08.2018.
  3. 3.Your registration will be intimated through mail within a day or two from the day you register.
  4. 4. Everyone should bring a photocopy of the confirmation mail.
  5. 5. Participants are requested to carry their college id cards without fail.
  6. 6. The team must comprise members of same gender only to avail the eligibility of participation.
  7. 7. Each participant can register for maximum of three events only.
  8. 8. All participants are requested to be present at the college campus by 8:45 am.
  9. 9. Participants are requested to check the bus routes and timings provided to assure your presence in time at the boarding points.
  10. 10. No travel allowance will be provided.
  11. 11. Participants are hereby informed that t-shirts, jeans and other casuals are strictly prohibited inside our campus.
  12. 12. Male students are requested to wear formals and shoes compulsorily.
  13. 13. Female students are requested to wear only salwars.
  14. 14. Use of mobile phones inside the college premises is strictly prohibited.
  15. 15. Any paper or project soft or hard copies received beyond the date specified will not be considered.
  16. 16. All the participants should adhere to the rules and regulations of the college.
  17. 17. Anyone violating these rules will not be allowed inside the college campus.